Outdoor knotted climbing rope

Outdoor climbing rope

Indoor knotted climbing rope

Indoor climbing rope

Wooden rope ladder
We answer you
There are two types of climbing rope: the knot rope and the smooth rope.
The knot rope is easier to climb because the knots provide a hook point and allow you to lean on with your feet, which significantly reduces the pull effort at the arms and shoulders. This rope is recommended for beginners and leisure activities.
The smooth rope is generally used in gyms and gyms by good athletes. The lack of knots makes it more difficult and technical to climb. It will require a lot of effort and allow to work well the arms, shoulders and back.
Natural hemp is the ideal material for a climbing rope because it is heavy, resistant and very soft to the touch. It does not burn hands even with sharp and sharp rubbing.
Synthetic hemp is still a good material for a climbing rope but it will not be as soft as natural hemp. Its advantage lies in its weather resistance and UV treatment.
For indoor use, choose a natural hemp rope. For outdoor use, the choice is more difficult. If you want to leave the rope permanently on the long term, it is better to choose synthetic hemp. But if you want to use the rope punctually and you can store it away from moisture, you can still choose natural hemp.